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Brown Patch Treatment in Appleton, Green Bay, Bellevue, WI & Nearby Cities

Schedule our brown patch treatment to spare your lawn from further damage.

Healthy, green lawn after successful brown patch treatment in De Pere, WI.

Our curative brown patch treatment is designed to stop this fungus in its tracks and prevent it from causing any further damage to your lawn. The sooner you treat this lawn disease, the better, so you'll want to call us as soon as you notice it. Once brown patch has been stopped, we can inspect your grass and recommend steps to restore your entire lawn back to health. Some services we offer that will restore health and help fill in damaged areas include fertilization, aeration, and overseeding. What's more, our work is guaranteed, and if you're not happy with the job we did, we will give you a 100% refund.

We serve commercial, residential, and HOA properties in Appleton, Green Bay, Bellevue, Wisconsin and the surrounding areas with our lawn care services. Call 920-634-6780 today to schedule our brown patch treatment and let us bring your lawn back to perfect health.

We offer a curative treatment for brown patch.

Brown patch can quickly infiltrate your lawn, but our curative brown patch treatment is designed to stop the spread of this lawn-destroying fungus. We will apply a fungicide to kill the fungus and stop any further progression. Once brown patch has been eradicated, we can then assess the damage and recommend some services to bring your lawn back to full health.

Call us at the first sign of brown patch to get your lawn on the road to recovery.

Handful of grass seed in yard in Bellevue, WI.

Brown patch spreads quickly and can kill your entire lawn in a short amount of time. A quick call to 920-634-6780 at the first sign of brown patch is the best way to stop this fungus in its tracks. Our licensed lawn experts will come out and treat the brown patch, then in consideration of the severity of the infection, will come up with a plan to get your lawn back on the road to recovery.

With the fungus treated, we can begin building back those areas affected by brown patch through our fertilization, aeration, and overseeding services. Brown patch kills grass, so overseeding those areas will help new grass fill in the damaged areas. Fertilization will give both the new and existing grass nutrients, helping them grow nice and strong. Our aeration service will loosen the compacted soil on your lawn, making it easier for nutrients, water, and air to reach the roots of your grass, allowing your grass to establish a deep and healthy root system.

We offer both core and liquid aeration services and recommend aeration at least once a year to keep lawns healthy.

Our 100% guarantee ensures work is completed to your satisfaction.

At Turf Badger, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our technicians will take images of the area we are working on both before and after treatment and a member of our management will do monthly spot checks to ensure the work was done right. Ultimately, if you are not satisfied with the work completed by our team, we will offer a 100% refund for the service.

Call to schedule our brown patch treatment and restore health to your lawn.

Once a lawn is infected with brown patch, the disease can spread quickly throughout the rest of the property. Call 920-634-6780 to schedule our brown patch treatment at the first sign of infection to spare the rest of your lawn from damage. We offer our lawn care services to property owners in Appleton, Green Bay, Bellevue, Wisconsin and throughout the surrounding areas.